Thursday, 19 November 2009

Scale drawing

This task was designed to understand the concept of scaling. We were given an object to draw, with two different aims. The first, was to draw the image so that it completely fitted the A1 sheet of paper that was provided, and only in black and white. As a result, the media's that were used to add in additional shading consisted of graphite, HB pencil, 4B pencil and a 2B pencil. The second image illustrates our second task - to draw the object to the exact scale that it represents, this time in colour. This time the media's that i used to complete this image were colouring pencils, HB pencil and a 4B pencil.

Working to a minute scale

Our task involved working to a minute scale measuring only 0.5cm squared. We were asked to cut as many rectangles as we required and draw on them using different media's anything that we wanted. This could be a secret message, pictures of animals or a specific topic of interest that you have. I decided to choose signs and symbols. In total i produced 20 images which were then photocopied onto A3 paper as shown in the first picture. Afterwards we had to pick one of these images and magnify them on the photocopier so that every minute detail could be seen, illustrated in figure 2. To conclude, we had to draw the enlarged image including all tiny dots and specks that were picked up through the process of photocopying. The media I used to complete this was oil pastels, represented in the final picture.

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Writing to an inspirational figure

Our task was to write to a iconic person or a fictional character who we feel has inspired us. I decided to write to Beyonce, who has become a renowned figure to promote female independence to worldwide audiences. The task had to be completed in one hour.

Fashion workshop

Our task was to create either an item of clothing or an outfit out of limited materials found in the classroom. We had to use materials not necessarily because of their colour, but because of the length of material that was available. Restricting the amount of resources to work with was difficult, but also a challenge. Afterwards our garments were sown together using the sowing machine which was also a new experience to me.

Sunday, 15 November 2009

A trip to the Ipswich Museum!!!

On the 20th October we went to the Ipswich Museum and completed a variety of first hand observational drawings of our own choice from the displays there.

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Artists who use the collage technique

After drawing our own 3D architecture, combining the use of the collage process, I researched a variety of artists who also use this technique. Stuart Davis, Eileen Agar, Picasso and Kurt Schwitters are to name a few, as well as a list of numerous other artists who use this style.


3D mixed media architecture

Our project was to construct 3D buildings out of a limited supply of materials, and in the afternoon these creations were drawn using a mixture of medias and the collage technique. The media's used in the first picture consisted of graphite, colouring pencils, colouring pens, masking tape, HB pencil and a 4B pencil. However, on the other hand, the second image was completed using oil pastel, collage, HB pencil, 4B pencil, graphite and coloured card.
